News blog
Alan Bliault

Visitor News May 2023

Up until now the focus has been on preparing the News Notes for members, meetings on Zoom that are posted to THS YouTube channel, and loading technical papers and conference materials all to the members part of the site.
We have invited non-members to presentation events, as you can see from the Visitor events menu item so there has been some attention to a wider audience. There is also a quantity of material available in the open library on the library tab.
So far the open ‘News Blog’ has not been a regular item. Starting with this post it is hoped to make it a little more regular and informative, for both members and non-members!
First, a taste of what is in the latest (May 2023) News Note issued to members by email, and available on the site once a member is logged in.

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News blog
Alan Bliault

New Films added to THS YouTube Channel

Four films have been added to the THS YouTube library, as follows:

– Apethorpe Rally 1966 HCGB (11:47)
– Rallying in 1968 HCGB (9:30)
– Rallies 1968 Combo HCGB (29:41)
– Film from Bob Windt 1971 (5:46)

These are all films digitised from 8 and Super8 film that has been in the Bliault ‘Archive’ for several decades.
At that time personal or amateur hovercraft were developing mostly by individual experiment and are a contrast with the aeronautical technology being applied at that time at Saunders Roe, HDL, Vickers, and Vosper.

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News blog
Alan Bliault

October Presentation Recording Available

Chris Fitzgerald of Neoteric Hovercraft gave his talk about his experience with the Light Hovercraft Market over the last four decades or so on Thursday 13th October.
A recording of his presentation together with a discussion session has been loaded on our YouTube Channel.

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News blog
Alan Bliault

History and Hovercraft Drag

Making a start to build pages for Air Cushion History and secondly for ACV/SES Drag some reference material has been loaded on the site. First, there is now a page for Air Cushion History. This page can be viewed from either the open library, or members library.
There are a number of books giving a historical perspective. A listing of some of these is given on the page. Clicking on the images should take you via a link to Amazon for the book, if it is still available.
We will add papers summarising developments from the early 1960’s in due course and reflect that in later blog pieces. Where appropriate we will make these available to visitors, otherwise documents will be available to registered members once logged in.

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